Universidad de Salamanca Servicio de Archivos y Bibliotecas Servicio de Archivos y Bibliotecas
Revistas electrónicas

Revistas suscritas / ACS - Ebsco - Emerald - IEEE - IOP - JSTOR - KluwerLaw - Nature - Ovid - RSC - ScienceDirect - Springer - Swets - Wiley
Revistas gratuitas / Revistas en prueba / Directorios / Sumarios


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Safety Science
Sauvegarde de l'Enfance
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, The (1976-2002)
Scandinavian Journal of Management
Scandinavian Journal of Management Studies
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology (1997- )
Schizophrenia Research
Schmerz, Der
School Psychology Quarterly
Science & Education (1997- )
Science & Sports
Science (*) (1997- ) (Información acceso)
Science and Public Policy (1999- )
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials (STAM)
Science Education
Science of Computer Programming
Science of The Total Environment, The
Science Technology and Human Values (1999- )
Science, Measurement and Technology, IEE Proceedings-
Science, Measurement and Technology, IEE Proceedings A
Science, Measurement and Technology, IEE Proceedings A
Science, Measurement and Technology, IEE Proceedings A
Sciences of Soils
Scientia Horticulturae
Scientometrics (1997- )
Scripta Materialia
Scripta Metallurgica et Materiala
Sealing Technology
Security & Privacy Magazine, IEEE
Sedimentary Geology
Sedimentology (1997- )
Selecta Mathematica, New Series Birkhäuser
Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on
Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of
SEM Newsletter (2002- )
Semiconductor Manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on
Semiconductor Science and Technology
Semigroup Forum
Seminars in Cancer Biology
Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology
Seminars in Cell Biology
Seminars in Developmental Biology
Seminars in Dialysis (1996- )
Seminars in Immunology
Seminars in Neuroscience
Seminars in Nuclear Medicine (1971- )
Seminars in Radiation Oncology (1991- )
Seminars in Surgical Oncology
Seminars in Virology
Semiotica (2001-2004)
Sensing and Imaging: An International Journal (2005- )
Sensor Review (1994- )
Sensors and Actuators
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical
Sensors Journal, IEEE
Sensors Update
Separation and Purification Technology
Separations Technology
Serials Review
Set-Valued Analysis (1997-2008)
Sex Roles (1997- )
Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment (1997-2007)
Sexual Plant Reproduction
Sexuality and Disability (1997- )
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (1996- )
Shock (2002- )
Shock Waves
Siam Journal on Applied Mathematics (1997- )
Siam Journal on Numerical Analysis (1997- )
Siam Journal on Scientific Computing (1997- )
Siam Review (1997- )
Siberian Mathematical Journal (1997- )
Signal Processing
Signal Processing Letters, IEEE
Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE
Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on [see also Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on]
Signal Processing: Image Communication
Signal Transduction
Silicon Chemistry (2002- )
Simulation in Healthcare: Journal of the Society for Medical Simulation (2006)
Simulation in Healthcare: Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (2006- )
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory
Simulation Practice and Theory
Single Molecules
Sistema Administrativo  (Solicitar username y password )
Sistema Laboral  (Solicitar username y password )
Skeletal Radiology
Sleep Medicine
Small Business Economics (1997- )
Small Ruminant Research
Smart Materials and Structures
Smart Materials Bulletin
Social Choice and Welfare
Social Cognition (2001- )
Social Cognition (2001- )
Social History (2000- )
Social History of Medicine
Social Indicators Research (1997- )
Social Justice Research (1997- )
Social Networks
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
Social Psychology of Education (1997- )
Social Responsibility Journal (2007- )
Social Science & Medicine
Social Science & Medicine (1967)
Social Science & Medicine. Part A: Medical Psychology & Medical Sociology
Social Science & Medicine. Part B: Medical Anthropology
Social Science & Medicine. Part C: Medical Economics
Social Science & Medicine. Part D: Medical Geography
Social Science & Medicine. Part E: Medical Psychology
Social Science & Medicine. Part F: Medical and Social Ethics
Social Science Information Studies
Social Science Journal, The
Social Science Research
Social Studies of Science (1999- )
Sociedad Cooperativa  (Solicitar username y password)
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences
Sociologia Ruralis (2006- )
Sociological Forum (1997-2006)
Sociological Practice
Sociologie du Travail
Sociology (1999- )
Sociology of Health and Illness (2006- )
Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications
Soft Matter (2005- )
Software - Concepts & Tools
Software Engineering Journal
Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on
Software Engineering. IEE Proceedings- [see also Software, IEE Proceedings]
Software Focus
Software Process: Improvement and Practice
Software Quality Journal (1997- )
Software Testing, Verification and Reliability
Software, IEE Proceedings- [see also Software Engineering, IEE Proceedings]
Software, IEEE
Software: Practice and Experience
Soil & Tillage Research
Soil Biology & Biochemistry
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
Soil Mechanics and Foundation  Engineering (1997- )
Soil Science (1996- )
Soil Technology
Solar Energy
Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells
Solar Physics (1997- )
Solar System Research (2000- )
Soldering & Surface Mount Technology (1996- )
Solid State Communications
Solid State Electronics
Solid State Ionics
Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Solid State Sciences
Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of
Somatic Cell and Molecular Genetics (1997-2002)
South African Journal of Botany (2006- )
Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics
Southern Economic Journal (1933-2004)
Southern Medical Association Journal (2003- )
Space Debris
Space Policy
Space Science Reviews (1997- )
Spanish Economic Review
Spatial Cognition and Computation
Spectrochimica Acta
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular Spectroscopy
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy
Spectrum, IEEE
Speculations in Science and Technology
Speech and Audio Processing, IEEE Transactions on
Speech Communication
Spektrum der Augenheilkunde
Spill Science & Technology Bulletin
Spine (1996- )
Spine: Affiliated Society Meeting Abstracts (2001- )
Spine Journal, The
Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy Review (2001- )
Springer Seminars in Immunopathology
Staff Papers - International Monetary Fund (1950-1998)
Standort - Zeitschrift für angewandte Geographie
Starch / Stärke
Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes (1998- )
Statistical Papers
Statistics & Probability Letters
Statistics and Computing (1997- )
Statistics in Medicine
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
Stochastic Processes and their Applications
Strahlentherapie und Onkologie
Strategic Change
Strategic Direction (2002- )
Strategic Management Journal (1980-2002)
Strategic Management Journal
Strategy & Leadership (2000- )
Stratigraphy (2006- )
Strength of Materials (1997- )
Stress and Health : Journal of the International Society for the Investigation of Stress
Stress Medicine
Stroke (1970- )
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics
Structural Chemistry (1997- )
Structural Design of Tall Buildings, The
Structural Safety
Structural Survey (1994- )
STTT - International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer
Studi Ispanici (2002- )   (Solicitar username y password )
Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica (1997- )
Studia Iranica (2001- )
Studia Linguistica (2006-2008)
Studia Logica (1997- )
Studies in East European Thought (1997- )
Studies In Educational Evaluation
Studies In History and Philosophy of Science Part A
Studies In History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies In History and Philosophy of Modern Physics
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sci. 
Studies in Philosophy and Education (1997- )
Studies in Second Language Acquisition (2000-2004)
Studies in Second Language Acquisition - SSLA (1997-2003)
Substance Abuse
Subsurface Sensing Technologies and Applications (2000-2005)
Superconductor Science and Technology
Superlattices and Microstructures
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum - SEG   (Solicitar username y password )
Supply Chain Management (1996- )
Support for Learning
Supportive Care in Cancer
Supramolecular Science
Supreme Court Economic Review (1982-2001)
Surface and Coatings Technology
Surface and Interface Analysis
Surface Science
Surface Science Letters
Surface Science Reports
Surface Technology
Surgery Today
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy
Surgical Endoscopy
Surgical Laparoscopy & Endoscopy (1996-1999)
Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy & Percutaneous Techniques (1999-2001)
Surgical Laparoscopy Endoscopy & Percutaneous Techniques (2001- )
Surgical Neurology
Surgical Oncology
Survey of Anesthesiology (2001- )
Survey of Ophthalmology
Surveys in Geophysics (1997- )
Sustainable Development
Swedish Journal of Economics, The (1965-1975)
Swiss Journal of Psychology (1999- )
Symbolic Interaction
Synthese (1997- )
Synthetic Metals
System Dynamics Review
System Familie No longer published by Springer-Verlag
Systematic Biology (1998-2005)
Systematic Parasitology (1997- )
Systemic Practice and Action Research (1997- )
Systems & Control Letters
Systems and Computers in Japan
Systems Biology, IEE
Systems Engineering
Systems Research
Systems Research and Behavioral Science
Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on
Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A, IEEE Transactions on
Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B, IEEE Transactions on
Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part C, IEEE Transactions on

© 2007 Servicio de Archivos y Bibliotecas. Universidad de Salamanca